Online Learning Agreement Upb

Are you considering online learning at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB)? If so, it’s important that you understand the online learning agreement. This agreement outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both the student and the university when it comes to online learning.

The online learning agreement is essentially a contract between the student and UPB. It covers everything from attendance and participation to academic integrity and technical requirements. By signing the agreement, you are agreeing to adhere to all of these terms throughout your online learning experience.

Some of the key aspects of the online learning agreement include:

Attendance and participation: Online courses are designed to be flexible, but that doesn’t mean you can skip classes or assignments. The agreement outlines the minimum requirements for attendance and participation, which may include watching lecture videos, completing assignments, and participating in online discussions.

Technical requirements: To succeed in online learning, you need to have the right technology and internet connection. The agreement outlines the technical requirements for participating in online courses, including the minimum computer specifications and the necessary internet speed.

Academic integrity: Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses in online courses, just as they are in traditional classes. The agreement outlines the expectations for academic integrity, including the consequences of violating these expectations.

Student responsibilities: As a student, you have certain responsibilities to ensure your success in online learning. The agreement outlines these responsibilities, which may include keeping up with assignments, participating in online discussions, and communicating with your instructor.

University responsibilities: UPB has a responsibility to provide a high-quality learning experience for its online students. The agreement outlines the university’s responsibilities, which may include providing course materials, offering technical support, and providing feedback and grading on assignments.

By understanding the online learning agreement, you can set yourself up for success as an online student at UPB. Be sure to read the agreement carefully before signing it, and ask any questions you may have about the terms. With the proper understanding and adherence to the agreement, you can enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling online learning experience.

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